{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/content/detail.html.twig' %}
{% block page_content_sections_inner %}
<div class="cms-sections">
{% block page_content_section_breadcrumb_top %}
{% if cmsPage.sections|length <= 1 || page.cmsPage.name == "Contact Form" %}
<div class="breadcrumb cms-breadcrumb container">
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/breadcrumb.html.twig' with {
context: context,
category: category
} only %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% for section in cmsPage.sections %}
{% set sectionBgColor = section.backgroundColor %}
{% set sectionBgImg = section.backgroundMedia|sw_encode_media_url %}
{% set sectionBgImgMode = section.backgroundMediaMode %}
{% set sectionClasses = [section.cssClass, 'pos-' ~ section.position, 'cms-section-' ~ section.type] %}
{% if sectionBgImg %}
{% set sectionClasses = ['bg-image']|merge(sectionClasses) %}
{% endif %}
{% if sectionBgColor %}
{% set sectionClasses = ['bg-color']|merge(sectionClasses) %}
{% endif %}
{% block page_content_section %}
<div class="cms-section {{ sectionClasses|join(' ') }}"
style="{% if sectionBgColor %}background-color: {{ sectionBgColor }};{% endif %}{% if sectionBgImg %}background-image: url({{ sectionBgImg }});background-size: {{ section.backgroundMediaMode }};{% endif %}">
{% sw_include "@Storefront/storefront/section/cms-section-" ~ section.type ~ ".html.twig" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block page_content_section_breadcrumb_bottom %}
{% if loop.length > 1 && loop.first && page.cmsPage.name != "Contact Form" %}
<div class="breadcrumb cms-breadcrumb container">
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/breadcrumb.html.twig' with {
context: context,
category: category
} only %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}